Dance Ministry
Liturgical Dance is vital in praise and worship. Adult and youth praise dancers deepens the worship experience at Cathedral International.
Liturgical Dance is vital in praise and worship. Adult and youth praise dancers deepens the worship experience at Cathedral International.
Men’s Ministry - As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 Men meet for Bible study and in “real men talk” discussions. This results in drawing closer to God and improvement of personal and family lives.
Banner Ministry – Banners are used as a form of worship and are used to enhance the atmosphere of worship when waved rhythmically or displayed prominently in service.
A weekend of events focused on preventing violence senseless killings and injustice in communities. June 18 – 21, 2015 Cathedral International Campus PERTH AMBOY, NJ - “Violence is a dreadful disease that continues to kill and destroy our youth, families and neighborhoods. Caring leaders in communities must bring attention to unacceptable violent behavior no matter [...]
CATHEDRAL INTERNATIONAL HOLDS PRAYER VIGIL FOR TRAGIC SHOOTING IN CHURCH IN CHARLESTON, SC 6:30pm, Hilliard Complex, 205 Smith Street, Perth Amboy, NJ PERTH AMBOY, NJ -- Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr., Senior Pastor at Cathedral International responded to the horrific hate crime at the historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Charleston, South Carolina that left nine [...]
Lisa Edwers & Quran Howard “Cathedral International renewed my faith and transformed my family’s life.” Lisa Edwers On any given Sunday, 16-year-old Quran Howard can be found carrying the cross in his role as an acolyte at Cathedral International in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. An honor student at Perth Amboy High School, Quran’s service [...]
Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr I, like many Americans, have been appalled by the horrific images being broadcasted from the city of Baltimore these past few days. The violence that, just a few months ago, we saw play out on the streets of Ferguson, MO has now found a grander stage in a larger, [...]
CBS Evening News features Cathedral International and Perth Amboy Community CBS Special Correspondent James Brown discovers a church, leader and community working towards creating something better for its people PERTH AMBOY, NJ – 110 years and going strong? CBS Evening News discovered this to be the case at Cathedral International, the former Historic Second Baptist [...]
Statement of Condolence and Support From Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr., and Cathedral International On the Tragic death of Richard Pryce We extend sincere condolences and support to Mr. Richard, Sr. (Dickie) and Mrs. Eunice Pryce in the loss of their son, Richard Pryce, whose life was taken in a sudden and senseless act of violence. In [...]
An Indictment Against Injustice PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY - Like many around the country, I watched with a heavy heart as District Attorney Bob McCullough read the words "no indictment" in the case against Darren Wilson, the officer responsible for the death of 18 year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. As I listened to Mr. [...]
Our Mission is to Evangelize, Educate, Emancipate Empower and Expand in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ through Loving, Lifting and Liberating humanity.
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