Breanne Martin, Guest Blogger
Beauty – What does It Mean?
Beauty. What does it mean? What does it truly mean to be beautiful? Does it mean having a perfectly structured face? A nice frame? A Colgate smile? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. To God, what beauty truly is, is held within. Your love for Christ is the truest beauty there is in the world. When you let that love shine outwardly, that is what God sees as beautiful.
Social media and television completely adulterated God’s vision of true beauty. They make us believe that our beauty is what we put on the outside – our clothes; how big our muscles are; how we wear our hair; how well we can spiral a football or dribble a basketball. The makeup we place on makes us look like edited versions of people we will never meet. But we will meet God one day and he won’t be judging us on how silky Suave made our hair. God will judge how beautiful our souls are and how we dealt with our beauty in such an ugly world. How pretty is your heart?
God loves to watch us glorify him entirely, with all of our heart. For the Bible says in Psalms 33:1 NKJV “Rejoice in the Lord, O you righteous! For praise from the upright is beautiful.” and in Psalms 147:1 “Praise the lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is beautiful.” That means that the Lord views worship from those who love him as beautiful. Praising God is the most beautiful thing you can do. Exalting him with worship and praise will make him glad. Letting God’s love shine from the inside out is true beauty.
Show the world your internal beauty and your outside will match it. Bring God’s love from the inside, out and share your beauty with everyone you meet.
So what does “inside-out” mean to me? It doesn’t mean just putting my shirt on the wrong way. It means for me to let the glow of Jesus Christ shine through the walls of my soul, illuminate through my body and show through my actions and words. It means ministering to others and showing how to worship our God. It means giving everything you have to God in total surrender, and letting the whole world see you submitting yourself to God.
The world should see that you put God first by spreading your light into the darkness and by sending your beauty to consume and overtake the ugly in the world. Withholding your Christian love and spirit is not delightful in the sight of God. The love of God should not be kept to yourself. You are given the love of God to share and encourage others. That’s why we should make sure the beauty in our souls is strong. Show the world your internal beauty and your outside will match it. Bring God’s love from the inside, out and share your beauty with everyone you meet.
Breanne Martin is a senior at North Brunswick High School who loves God from the inside-out!