Founded by Bishop Donald Hilliard, Jr. in 1990, the Cathedral International Community Development Corporation (CICDC) is a non-profit501(c)3 corporation organized with a purpose of economic development of the surrounding community in Perth Amboy.
A non-profit corporation birthed from the Cathedral (formerly Second Baptist Church) the CCDC was established to change the social, cultural, educational, economical, and physical course of Perth Amboy and the surrounding communities, as well as change the lives of people who live there. The focus of the corporation is to create enriching opportunities in the areas of education, social services, health services, housing, youth development as well as economic development. Our mission is to proactively serve the critical needs of the surrounding communities and the church by providing faith-based, social services and economic development opportunities.
We provide referrals to the following services:
- Medicaid NJ Family Care
- Free or low-cost health insurance for families based on income
- Transitional Child Care
- Food Stamps
- NJ Transit Transportation Assistance
- NJ Earn Income Tax Credit (NJEITC) for low income families
- Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assistance with heating bills
- Universal Service Fund (USF) financial assistance for lowering your natural gas and electricity bills
- Rental and utilities assistance through NJ Shares (intake office)
- Child Support payment assistance
- Supplemental Work Support (SWS) of $200 per month for individuals with jobs
- Amerigroup Manage HealthCare for income qualified families
Cathedral International Community Development Corporation (CICDC) maintains a 3-fold philosophy of: Empower Educate Emancipate. That philosophy ultimately seeks to invest in human capital through the creation of jobs; life skills training; affordable and quality housing; education; economic development; and access to critical support services. Our mission is to proactively serve the critical needs of the surrounding communities and the church by providing faith-based, social services and economic development opportunities. We strive to provide opportunities for our partners and volunteers to maximize their talents and abilities in a manner that is aligned with our mission.
If you would like more information regarding CICDC, or would like information on making a tax-deductible donation to the CICDC call (732) 638-0754.
Note: The CICDC is a separate legal entity from Cathedral International, with its own federal tax identification number. While it is an affiliate organization, it is a separate legal entity.
CHOSSE PROGRAM – Center for Help Opportunity Self-Sufficiency and Education
A resource and referral center for individuals coming off welfare and in need of supplemental support services to ensure job retention within the target area. Mission: Our mission is to increase the utilization of transitional support services, career counseling and development and job retention services by Post-TANF recipients as well as members in need in the communities in Perth Amboy, Somerset and Asbury Park where we have a community development presence. The CHOSSE Program is planting the seeds of self-sufficiency by conducting community outreach and referrals. Our Social Services staff has success in placing many clients in permanent and transitional housing facilities as well as drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities.
The CHOSSE program is staffed by trained individuals who cover communities in Middlesex and Somerset. If you would like more information regarding the Cathedral Social Services, call (732) 826-8206.
Mercy House /Community Food Distribution
282 McClellan St.
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861
Tel.: 732-826-5293 Ext. 1410
Every Wednesdays at 10am (rain or shine)
3rd Saturdays at 9:30am (rain or shine)