Cathedral International Mortgage Burning Campaign

“Let no debt remain outstanding…” (Romans 13:8 NIV)

Percentage Completed 17%
Donations Collected
Balance Owed
Original Mortgage


The desire to reduce or pay our debt in full resulted from conversations with our leadership and invested members/attendees. Through various forums, we began to envision what we, the church, might look like if we were to function as the full expression of Christ in our world.

We then realized that by paying off the existing debt/mortgage on the church, more funds could be unleashed for greater impact—for the glory of God. Our decision: pay the bank OR unleash ministry.

Mortgage Burning – Cathedral International

How can we do this? …together

A Retired Mortgage Means:

  • Debt Freedom = Greater Community Outreach and Service

  • A Debt Free Legacy for the next generation

  • All donations to Cathedral International are tax deductible


The answer to reaching this colossal goal before us is for ALL of us to do something together.  Whatever the donation, large or small, please allow God to direct your decision as you give.  

Check out “FAQs about the Paid In Full Mortgage Burning Campaign” at

What is this all about?

If you are just learning about the Cathedral International Mortgage Burning Campaign, or have come here to learn more about what we hope to accomplish, there are three things that are at the center of the vision:

The Cathedral International is a blessed ministry that has already been a blessing in so many ways to local, national and international communities.
Cathedral International
There is however, so much more that God has in store for us to do.
Cathedral International
Our current mortgage balance of 2.4 Million Dollars hinders our ability to move into these greater areas of ministry because of the amount of resources required to service the mortgage monthly.
Cathedral International

We believe that by uniting our resources as a congregation and paying off this mortgage by the 31st of December 2016, we will go into 2017 and beyond with an unprecedented greater level of ministry to those in need.

The Lord is stretching us with such a big goal, but we believe that “if nobody bails, nobody fails”.

2 Corinthians 9 says each of us should give what we have decided in our heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion – so our goal is not equal giving, but rather equal sacrifice.

For example, we could meet our goal with the participation of just under 3,500 people in the congregation if ALL of these decisions were made in unity.

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The original mortgage was closer to $3 million, but through other giving efforts and some favorable refinancing, we are you we were able to bring that down to $2.4 million.
Allow God to speak to you through prayer. Here are some Scripture passages that speak about stewardship and giving: 1 Cor. 16:2, Prov. 11:25, Prov. 3:5-9, 2 Cor. 8:7, Acts 20:35, Luke 6:38, and Psalm 116:12.
Absolutely not. Participation in the campaign and how much you give is entirely up to you. We ask you to pray and seek the Holy Spirit’s leading.
Pledges and contributions can be given anytime up to NYE.
Absolutely! All pledges matter, regardless of amount, because as we all participate according to our ability, God multiplies our giving. We hope that all will participate by prayer, encouragement and if possible, giving.
Some contributors select to give immediately, others over the next several months leading up to NYE. You may update your commitment at any time.
There are a variety of ways to give: cash, check, or credit card via our website. As the pledge card indicates, you can set up automatic deductions or credit card charges via our website. Or, if you prefer, the church office can help you set up an automatic deduction or credit. Gifts of marketable stocks & bonds or qualified charitable distributions from an IRA are also acceptable. Please contact the church office to make such a gift.
Not at all. This campaign is being done for good Stewardship of our church and to unleash our resources for the glory of God in the future.
Hopefully, not at all. Your regular church offerings are an act of worship and reflect your prayerful effort to give back on a regular basis from what God has given to you in support of His church.

Your pledge to the “Paid in Full” Mortgage Burning Campaign should be over and above that regular offering IF you are led to do so. Robbing from Peter (your tithes) to pay Paul (our debt elimination efforts) would be counterproductive and in violation of Scripture’s call for us to tithe on all of our increase.

If you are not currently tithing, please begin doing so. After you have begun tithing, then we would encourage you to ask God what gift over and above your regular, percentage gift He would like for you to make.

It is up to each individual or family to determine the amount of sacrifice that will be pledged. We are each called to make a sacrifice, not only for the present generation but for future generations as well. All church members are asked to prayerfully consider that financial support for the campaign is not about equal giving, but rather equal sacrifice. Finally, a pledge is a good-faith intention and a covenant made with God.
Your regular tithes and offerings cover the operating expenses of the church, including, but not limited to, salaries, utilities, insurance, ministries and maintenance. Costs are increasing due to our growing ministry and the needs of those we serve, with little money left over to pay down the mortgage.
Our prayer is that the commitments made in this campaign will allow us to pay off the debt by NYE. Should this happen, there will not be need to have further campaigns to pay-off our buildings.
Every dollar raised will be applied directly to our principle over and above our regular monthly payment; therefore, we will see our debt-wall begin to crumble regardless of how much money is raised.
You commit to seeking God’s Face regarding His desire for the remainder of your commitment, and you rest secure in the knowledge that we all understand that sometimes life just happens.
Your commitment is between you and the Lord, and it is He who will lead you in regards to your commitment when you face times of uncertainty. If God leads you to change your commitment, a simple call to the Church office will suffice to notify us that your commitment is changing. Only the Treasurer and campaign manager will know what you pledge.
Biblical unity does not mean that we all agree about everything, but that when we disagree we choose to treat each other with respect and deference. If you do not agree with our desire to pay off our debt by NYE, we understand. We do ask that you continue to support what God is doing with your tithes, time, and talents, and that you not spread seeds of discontent. To do so would clearly be unbiblical.
If you have asked God what He wants you to give and He has said that you do not need to give, then you should have a clear conscience about not giving. If, however, you have not asked and listened to God, then you cannot say with certainty that you have nothing to give. Remember, our God took a 1-day supply of oil and flour and fed a widow and her son for longer than expected. Our God took 5 loaves of bread and 2 small fish and fed 5,000. It was our Savior who saw a woman put less-than-a-penny into the offering and commended her for the incredible sacrifice she had just made. Until each of us have prayed to and listened to our Heavenly Father we really don’t know what we have that we can give.
Here are a few ideas: a) You could make yourself available to our campaign team leaders to help them with the work that needs to be done to execute this campaign. b)You could ask God if there are any possessions that He would ask you to sell, giving the proceeds to help meet the need. (Remember, this is what the members of the early church did in Acts 2 & 4.) c) If you are not already tithing you can make a commitment to give 10% of any money that God gives you, remembering that everything you have comes from God.
We have not yet made any binding decisions regarding funds over and above the amount needed to pay in full our debt; however, our Church leadership is committed to unquestionable financial integrity, so we will navigate that issue carefully and wisely as we approach it.
100% of the funds are dedicated to debt-elimination. Received pledges will be applied to our mortgage over and above our regular monthly payments thereby creating a debt wrecking ball that will reduce our wall of principle debt quickly.
You may give your gift in any way you desire. Our commitment cards will have space for you to write in what increments you will choose to give your gift.

Mortgage Burning – Cathedral International

How can we do this? …together